Friday, April 3, 2009

Charriot festival of Janabahadyo 2009

The festival of Janabaha-dyo, or Seto Machhindranath, is one of the biggest festivals. It takes place on March and lasts for three days. I have some pictures of the first days.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Chikan-ata of Mahabaudha

Interestingly, around half a dozen organizations were squatting upon this historic and beautiful Sttal "Chikan-ata" for years. But when all of a sudden, this building collapsed, none of them came forward to rebuild it or conserve it. This poor Kathmandu is going to be like this. As it says, you will know who is a friend or a foe only when you are in need.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy new year 2009

Happy new year 2009.
I will start regular blogging this year